
Dedicated to addressing quality of life issues by providing victim prevention, firearms safety, and dui prevention programs. Our foundation also educates and raises awareness of all acts of violence and memorializes victims through our 1 mile memorial trail of violence walking trail. 

Donations and Memorials

Can be made several ways and are tax deductible.  Please  contact us if you are interested in making a donation, purchasing a memorial brick or sponsorship.  


Extreme Exigency Illinois Concealed Carry Firearms Training

We are a full service training academy and shooting park located in Benton, Illinois which provides certified high quality concealed carry and personal firearms home protection education programs.  Our climate control indoor hybrid range makes it possible for us to conduct a hands-on live fire range component regardless of weather conditions.  Our training academy has a climate control range complete with four live-fire firing lanes, an indoor Hogan's alley tactical room with criminals, an electronic shoot/don't shoot tactical shooting gallery.   Our foundation shooting park consists of 40 acres and 7 outdoor shooting ranges in construction and more in the planning stages.  The Shooting Park opened in September 2017.   

What do our course participants learn in our indoor Hogan's Alley ?  They learn the latest tactical flashlight shooting and room searching techniques and they are immersed in a realistic scenario where are  expected to incorporate basic searching tactics, tactically clear hallways and rooms and deploy their firearm skills with home invasion predators.  

We are a training center located in Southern Illinois at 9911 River Bend Road, Benton, Illinois. Our training team members are active instructors in various disciplines and dedicated to personal safety in all areas of life. They are active firearms and outdoor enthusiasts. The majority are active or retired veteran law enforcement officers.

We cater to all business, private and civic organizations. Our range instructors are Nationally Certified Pistol Instructors and Certified Law Enforcement Range Instructors by Illinois State Law Enforcement Training Board with more than 75 years combined Law Enforcement and Educational Experience. 

Our instructors are dedicated to safe and legal firearms ownership, the 2nd Amendment and personal safety.  

We believe every citizen has the right to choose whether or not be a victim of a predator and to defend themselves and their loved ones. 

Our instructors are life long firearm supporters who are dedicated to safe and legal firearms ownership, the 2nd Amendment and personal safety.  

GOD Bless our men and women serving in our Military, our Law Enforcement and our Emergency Services and GOD Bless America !

Our Foundation